Future: Extremely Blessed

Future’s reached that point in life where it’s all just fallen into place. All he has to do now is keep riding the wave.

“I like being on the water,” Future says as he cruises along the Pacific Ocean on the 125-foot, $15-million yacht, the Harley G. “It’s so peaceful. You get a chance to see so far in the sea. I always envisioned that that’s how far you can go in life, as far as you can see. You can’t even see how far the sea stretches, but at the end of the day that’s how you want to think. You want to think beyond anyone’s furthest imagination.”

Are there any newer artists today, that you see yourself in? Do you see your influence on the younger generation of artists?

I can see the impact, but I don’t really dwell on it. Other people might say more about it than me. Like I said, man, [you] always want to create, want to give your audience and your fans a body of music where they can create and they can build ideas from and they can live their life and they can go to using this album for an example for bettering they album or bettering they lifestyle. Whatever it may be. Whatever you get from it.

Do you doubt yourself? Are you always confident in everything you do in your career?

You wonder: Are you working and it’s hard or are you working too hard? Or have you worked too hard and you don’t accomplish everything you want during your lifetime or was it worth it? Should you have made another adjustment to balance it all out? To still get the family time in as well as being completely captivated in your gift, working every day, just creating a better life for everyone around you. Sometimes you can get lost in that and not find that time for yourself or that time for family. Always trying to build on it and build every opportunity.

How do you recalibrate?

Just take time, really. You got to have patience.

What keeps you going?

What keeps me going is my kids, my family, my mom, my sisters, my brother, nieces, nephews.

Life is good for all of you now?

Life is good. Always just setting that example and showing and proving that your dreams can come true.

Read More: Future Interview: Read His Exclusive XXL Magazine Cover Story – XXL | https://www.xxlmag.com/future-interview-life-is-good-album/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral

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