SM (Sick Minded): Everything to Gain

The hardship a person faces throughout their life can either tear them down of help build them up. It is up to the individual to decide for themselves how it will shape them in the end. When they have everything taken away and no longer have anything to lose, they must remind themselves, they have everything to gain.

SM (Sick Minded) is the prime example of someone with an “everything to gain” mindset. Adopted at the early age of 3, SM didn’t meet his biological family until he turned 18-years-old. He found himself caught up in the streets influenced by gangs, surrounded by drugs and money. At the age of 14, he founded himself detained at a juvenile facility for the next 4 to 5 years of his life. After his release, it wasn’t long before SM found himself in trouble with the law yet again, this time facing a 7-year bid in an adult correctional facility.

During this time, he developed a passion for drawing, tattooing, and writing music. With nothing but time on his hands, he continued to sharpen his skills each day, waiting for his release. In 2018, Sick Minded was yet again a free man, but this time he had a plan which would allow him to utilize the passion for his craft. He started a record label and a company (Sicked Minded Muzik, LLC) as well as a clothing brand (Sick Money).

With new music on Spotify, Soundcloud, and Youtube, SM is now looking to network with others and expand his following. Be sure to check out his music catalog by visiting the links below. You can also contact SM for business inquires and other music-related news on Instagram @sm_sickminded.

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