Where is the fine line between living your life and taking an interest in the world around you? At what point are you forced to drop your everyday concerns and your relaxation and tune into the events going on in the larger world?
It seems we all try to live this fine balance between living a good life and focusing on ourselves and our own stuff, but also caring about the world around us. It’s the line between being the center of your own world and taking up the role of one small soul on a planet of billions.
To me, that’s what “Rolling High” is about. Created in a wonderful and unique collab between two highly skilled New York artists, “Rolling High” is a track that is both laid-back and assertive, both introspective and also paying attention to the larger picture.
We start off easy by listening to a melodic and sweet section, sung by Day G. In this initial section, he paints an interesting picture, both with the help of the chill lyrics, but also that of the music video, which sees him and some friends smoking and just chilling out together. And obviously, during this first part of the track, you’re inclined to do the same, to just kick back and enjoy yourself.
But then, we get to the second part of the collab, the rap section of Tick Tock Q, which is more powerful and less encouraging to just chill. By referencing current events, such as George Floyd’s death, an event that caused much turmoil across the United States of America, Tick Tock Q reminds the listener that it’s not always okay to just kick back and relax. That sometimes you need to take an interest in what’s going on around you, no matter how unpleasant it may be.

Set against a kickass set of beats and building this “good time” vibe throughout, “Rolling High” is a surprisingly complex song that tackles day-to-day life as well as larger events. It’s food for thought, definitely, and I very much doubt that it will leave any listener unmoved. It makes you think about your own existence and role in this world, all the while serving you up with some killer rhythm. So what’s there not to like?
Nothing, as far as we can tell, so get your cans on and go listen to this brand new offering from Day G and Tick Tock Q!