Lil Ackson’s music makes most sense when it’s late at night and you’re alone. It’s dark, subdued, and unabashedly intimate. There’s a cinematic nature to his voice, but it never completely overwhelms the production, which plays no small role in the 19-year-old New Jersey artist’s allure. His beat selection ranges from dreamy lo-fi to futuristic ambient, but there’s always an otherwordly feel to it. Lil Ackson’s music definitely requires a particular mood, but when it hits you at the right time, it’s wonderful to get lost in it. Get familiar below, and if you’re not feeling it try again at around 3 a.m. tonight.
ARN: Can you introduce yourself? Who are you, how old are you, where are you from?
Lil Ackson: I’m Lil Ackson. I’m from New Jersey and I am 19 years old.
ARN: It looks like you’ve been sharing music on SoundCloud for about a year. Are these the first songs you’ve made, or when did you start making music?
Lil Ackson: So basically, I have been making music since early 2019. I still remember the first song I ever wrote. I also was in music class all through out middle school and always dreamt of making music and being on MTV one day. I didn’t officially start making music until last year when I had first released my EP “Fuck Love” on Soundcloud, but I had later erased it and shortly uploaded “Songs About You” which is currently on my Soundcloud right now.
ARN: How would you describe your music to someone who’s never heard it?
Lil Ackson: Whenever somebody asks me how I would describe my music I’m not always quite sure what to say. I wouldn’t categorize my music into any specific type of genre because I feel as if my sound is unique. I also am aware of the fact that everybody’s perception is different and what some people might make my music out to be will be different to them than it will be to others.

ARN: Can you tell me a little about “Love Ain’t Real”? That song really jumped out at me on first listen.
Lil Ackson: Yeah, I had wrote the song after I got drunk one weekend, I was in my feelings over some girl. In the song I am singing about how I say things that I don’t mean when I’m drunk and that honestly sometimes it hurts to know the truth and to be blinded by your own thoughts. I thought this girl had liked me but then I had come to realize that I’m not quite too sure if she did… and I was hurt by it at the time.
ARN: Would you say “Love Ain’t Real” represents what we can expect from you in the future? It seems like some of your earlier music was way more atmospheric, almost distant. But “Love Ain’t Real” is so intimate and direct, and your voice/lyrics are really on full display.
Lil Ackson: I like intimacy in music in general. I think that music is the most beautiful form of self expression because regardless of who is behind the song people can universally relate through the sounds and lyrics no matter who they are or where they are from. Its just so beautiful to me. I think as I have grown spiritually my music has grown with me. So what to expect for the future of my music? I’m not exactly sure. Although, I do know that I am constantly progressing every single day and it can only get better from here.
ARN: How do you find and decide what producers to work with?
Lil Ackson: Rarely do I ever reach out to producers unless I have a creative idea in mind for a song. I always let people come to me because I don’t want it to feel forced in any type of way. I work with producers based on the beats that are sent to me, not the actual person themselves. I often check my email, download the beats and won’t know who produced it until I am almost ready to upload the song.
ARN: A lot of new artists, especially ones big into the SoundCloud world, keep their profiles relatively low-key. But on Instagram and Twitter you’re really active and open. Is that natural for you or a choice you’ve made to connect with fans?
Lil Ackson: I always make an effort to let my fans know that I am thankful for them listening to my music and supporting me. It truly makes me feel warm inside knowing that people care that much about the artwork I create and how it affects them positively. If you are reading this right now and you support me, THANK YOU AGAIN.
ARN: A lot of your music seems pretty sad. Is that a reflection of your overall outlook on life, or are you just more inspired by sadness?
Lil Ackson: My overall outlook on life is not sad at all. I embrace all forms of emotion and I notice that I make most of my music when I am in my feelings. To put a label on my music and call it “sad” would depend on your perception. I do not label my feelings because the words we say define who we are. Everything we speak into existence carries an energy to it. That’s the big “I am” shout out to my twitter bio. Negative or positive. I embrace all forms of my emotions, both the lows and the highs because I am so thankful that I am able to feel. It is all beautiful energy to me.
ARN: What are your goals for music? Do you want to be famous?
Lil Ackson: I have so many goals. Its crazy. I love thinking about them too, this whole music thing is like a drug to me but like a good drug because there isn’t much else that I am passionate about at all. Do I want to be famous? Yes, I do. I want to be able to use my recognition to create a positive impact on people all around the world. I want to be able to travel and buy anything I want.
ARN: What’s next for you? An album? Tour? More music?
Lil Ackson: All of the above. Definitely an EP before an album I’d say, but who knows. A tour, yes. I want to get that planned out probably after I release my 3rd project. and most certainly more music, ALWAYS.
ARN: What else do you want people to know about LIl Ackson?
Lil Ackson: There’s only so much I can say about myself. The rest you will have to find out for yourself.