ARN: How did you come up with a stage name?
PA: PA stands for Prince Archie which is my middle and last name; I’m a songwriter so I thought it would be dope to call myself PA The Writer.
ARN: Where are you from??
PA: I am from Houston,Tx born and raised
ARN: Where are you now?
PA: I’m still located in Houston but have interest in moving to Atlana, GA.
ARN: Why did you first start making music?
PA: I first started making music because it was therapeutic for me to write how I feel and express myself on a track.
ARN: Who would you say inspired you the most, as an artist?
PA: I will say Drake inspired me the most I like how he try different sounds out of the norm and challenge himself to be different no matter what people thinks.

ARN: Talk me through your creative process.
PA: My creative process is real simple. First step is to hear the beat and see what mood it puts me in. Second step is to go up to the mic hum some melodies. Once you get the melody it’s just putting lyrics together and creating a unique story.
ARN: Do you remember the first rhyme you wrote?
PA: Yes, I do lol it was horrible. In Houston we have this slang when we freestyle that’s starts off like “ I den came dine “. Mine went “ I den came dine favorite color red … Swangin lane to lane drip down homestead … “
ARN: Where and how do you work best?
PA: I work best after an emotion. Whether is a mad, happy, or sad emotion it makes me get in a mood. I work best in my home studio, blue lights, dim lighting and in my zone lol
ARN: Have you heard the theory that some musicians write their best music while they’re depressed or going through a bad time?
PA: Yes, I feel like that’s true because everyone in the word experience those emotions so if the audience can relate to it then you have a hit. Audiences love what they can relate too.
ARN: What’s the best advice you ever received?
PA: The best advice I ever received was to is to be yourself while writing music. Being yourself helps you get in an element that gives you a variety of creative writings.
ARN: What is still your biggest challenge?
PA: My biggest challenge is not randomly getting writers block. Writers block comes randomly and it holds me back from making good music or getting in the mood of writing.
ARN: What were your grades like at school?
PA: What were your grades like at school?I was an average student in school. My grades were average. I was focused on sports; basketball and football.
ARN: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received about your music?
PA: The best compliment I ever received was someone telling me they can hear my music on award shows and being Grammy nominated.
ARN: What would you have done differently if you knew then what you know now?
PA: I would have invested in my own studio sooner and I also would have did more research sooner in my career.
ARN: What’s your latest release?
PA: My latest release is “Whole Lotta A$$” Ft. Geminishyyy Produced by Beat King
ARN: What’s your best advice for handling criticism?
As for handling criticism, listen to the criticism that people give you and see how can it help you or make you better . All criticism isn’t bad criticism.