Today we had an exclusive chance to interview a rising female rap artist Crissy Baby:
If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?
MegThee Stallion, I need that tall hot girl energy to match my tall hot energy!!!
Do you have a mantra?
You only die once, live free and die proud.
How would you describe the music that you typically create?
Clatchet Hi-pop is the name I’ve coined for it. It’s classy ratchet pop and hiphop
What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received about your music?
It’s honest and raw.
What is your favorite song to perform?
RidDic because people think it’s about sex but really it’s about cars!

How do you currently feel about the state of Hip-Hop in general?
I love the fluidity of the work being put out very conscious very thoughtful always changing with life, it’s why I love hiphop.
What’s your best advice for handling criticism?
As long as it’s constructive I’m cool, when it’s just hatery I lose all focus on it and respect for it. So yeah ignore it I guess.
If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?
That women are treated with more respect than just being overly sexualized and made to not like how we naturally look. Especially black women we have to be drag queens basically. I feel like it’s too much and doesn’t encourage real love for self.
Who influenced you most through out your career?
Lil Wayne, because he is such a great lyricist he makes me feel like words are so magical and little puzzle pieces.
If you could only listen to 3 albums for the rest of your life, what would they be?
Any Kanye album, Any Aaliyah album, and Fly Leaf, with Cassie the original singer and Tool, Rock music is my beautifully loud and messy other side
What do you want your legacy to be? How do you want to be remembered?
I wanna be remembered as fearless and brave, saying what I truly feel, loving hard & partying harder!
Social Media:
IG | @CrissyBabyOfficial