ARN: How did you come up with a stage name?
3isthemagic: I was trying to think of something catchy but still held value to me. My favorite number is 3, I’m the III in my family line, and I’ve always like the saying good things come in 3s. I was going to go with 3isthemagicnumb but cut the ending to just end with magic.
ARN: Why did you first start making music?
3isthemagic: I needed a stronger way to express myself. The writing form was my go to relief system for a long time but I needed more. I actually needed my voice to be heard.
ARN: Talk me through your creative process.
3isthemagic: Concepts, rhymes and flows can come at anytime during day or night. I had to learn the hard way about writing ideas down right away. Now, whenever I do come up with an idea I write it down immediately or I’ll never be able to remember it again.
ARN: What is still your biggest challenge?
3isthemagic: Sometimes it’s hard for me to make my mind up about certain things because I’m a perfectionist and a pretty anxious person. I don’t think these things go together very well. Smh lol I used to spend hours trying to make one little thing perfect. I learned through the years that there has to be a balance between slightly adjusting things and actually moving forward.
ARN: What tools do you find indispensable?
3isthemagic: I live and die by Evernote. I started using this app when I started taking music seriously before Apple came up with iCloud to sync notes. I have over 1k of songs on there. Some are complete and some are partially finished.

ARN: What’s the best advice you ever received?
3isthemagic: You have to make sure you’re okay first before you can worry about anyone else. Being mentally fit is a thing a lot of people bypass but we have to make time to meditate and turn electronics off.
ARN: What’s your latest release?
3isthemagic: My latest release is called Famous. I’m releasing a few singles and video before my 2nd album. This one draws from thoughts about not wanting Fame but respect instead.
ARN: Who do people say you sound like?
3isthemagic: I’ve gotten Kid Kudi in the past. I guess it’s because I hum sometimes as a form of expression in songs but most people say I don’t sound like anyone they’ve heard or it’s like a mixture. The opinions don’t matter too much. It’s just cool if they can relate to any of it.
ARN: How do you currently feel about the state of Hiphop in general?
3isthemagic: I feel like I was confused at first on where Hip-Hop was going but I understand it now. I felt like lyricism had died and a lot of blank, expressionless music was being pushed. We need lyricism, we need dance music and I’m really feeling a lot of the newer melodic stuff now and learned it’s a time and place for all different types genres to be apart of Hip-Hop.
ARN: What do you want your legacy to be? How do you want to be remembered?
3isthemagic: I want my legacy to be of someone who went through a lot of things in life but still figured out how to win in the end. From where I came a lot of people said I should be dead but I actually did a 360 with the bad hand I was dealt and it’s shocked a lot of people. I love the feeling of shocking people and making them think. I feel like if you really listen to my music you will see that it’s made to be a blueprint on figuring out how to win no matter what’s thrown at you.
Artist`s website:
Links to music:
Apple Music: