Alexandria, Virginia isn’t a likely city that comes to mind when one thinks about the Mecca of rap. Atlanta, Chicago, New York, sure! But this city, 10 or so miles from Washington, D.C., isn’t up there with the first. Which makes it even more exciting to discover that rap’s next star may be centered right there. Who is this star? His name is Flair.

Flair has been steadily gaining a buzz throughout the Washington Metropolitan Area for the past two years with a wide range of singles and music videos accompanied by full-length projects, with Revenge 2 being his third.

From front to back Revenge 2 is filled with lyrics motivating the pursuit of money while constantly reminiscing on his dark past. Flair tells his story confidently as a past alcoholic and drug addict while boasting about his newfound wealth and rapper lifestyle. This body of work is without a doubt great for a workout, a short bus ride, or an early shift at work.