Interview with Woo

ARN: Why did you start making music?

Woo: “Well, I started making music because I love music. Like singing is my thing. I’ve always loved music no matter if it’s old school r&b or jazz etc. Singing is something I can feel in my body. People love dancing to music. I figured I could make good music people would love. Music makes me happy.”

ARN: Where are you from?

Woo: “I’m from Baltimore, Maryland.”

ARN: Who would you say inspired you the most, as an artist?

Woo: “I would have to say India Arie inspires me those most. I love everything about her singing. You feel the passion in her voice. Everything with her is relatable, she’s real. Her sound gives so much energy. I just love her. Man it’s like I don`t know how to explain it but she’s definitely in my top picks.”

ARN: Talk to me through your creative process.

Woo: “Haha okay umm basically I’m making music with the purpose of loving music. Making my music stand out as much as I can. My personality is hyper, cool, and definitely charming so why not put that into a cool laid back track other people can vibe too. I’m big on energy. I bring the best and biggest energy I can in the studio. When I’m writing a song I want my fans to say to them selves damn this the type of song I can drink some wine to and chill. Or damn I can sit on a beach late at night and listen to her music all night ya feel me. I want to meet a fan one day and they say to me ‘yo, Woo, I was listening to your songs and felt every word’.”

ARN: Have you heard the theory that some musicians write their best music while they’re depressed or going through a bad time?

Woo: “Yeah I have heard that. I would agree only because when I write a song I pick the beat of a mood I’m in or remember being in. Then boom write it from there. Then again I may not be in a mood at all and freestyle it off the top of my head. So yeah I’ve heard that before.”

ARN: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received about your music?

Woo: “The best I dont know I do get alot because my friends are really support and even people who just know me. I do remember some being a person from high school told me she glad I’m showing the world my talent. Somebody else said they always knew I had it in me for years. That feels good you know because I’m kinda a shy person haha. Like I may not always show it but certain things I definitely freeze up on. When I hear encouraging words I’m like okay lets do this! Like I’m fired up.”

ARN: What are you focusing your time on now?

Woo: “Well I’m currently working on my EP as we speak called “Summer Jewels” that will be dropping in July.”

ARN: How do you currently feel about the state of HipHop in general?

Woo: “Well I think right now it’s mainly turned into Rap. Like when I hear the word HipHop I automatically think of Common, LL Cool J, and Biggie people like that. I relate to HipHop same way they did in the Brown Sugar Movie haha. I can’t really speak on the state of it currently. I just know what I relate HipHop to.”

ARN: If you could only listen to 3 albums for the rest of your life, what would they be?

Woo: “Without question it would be Maxwell’s Urban Hang Suite, India Arie’s Acoustic Soul, and KEM all his songs haha”

ARN: Do you have a bucket list? If so what’s on it?

Woo: “Man, my bucket list is long but a few things are… Getting an interview on the Ellen Degeneres Show. Traveling to Bora Bora, Brazil, and going on a safari in Africa.”

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