Drakeo The Ruler Final Hours

September 6th 2021, an already dangerous feud would encounter an event raising the stakes for one particular person involved, Darrell Caldwell, referred to by many as the King of LA, Drakeo The Ruler. 

https://youtu.be/Z68fwKtlS3A (0:00-0:22)

https://youtu.be/uiXMdwbYFkc (0:00-0:05)

https://youtu.be/R3QTjooMAe0 (0:00-0:18)

https://youtu.be/DqAwQ6iG5fQ (0:00-0:05)

https://youtu.be/-c6dkfRgNW8 (0:19-0:49)

https://youtu.be/-c6dkfRgNW8 (1:00-1:19)

https://youtu.be/JJ5DJm1RAWE (1:27-2:14)

https://youtu.be/k-S2j9Uvxuc (0:09-0:20)

https://youtu.be/B7o4nrDsJdY (0:24-0:32)

https://youtu.be/OrfjvFQdM7s (7:20-8:05)

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It was the day he released the song by the name of โ€œIngleWEIRDโ€ https://youtu.be/k-S2j9Uvxuc 

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The song was intended to disrespect his rivals and in turn the city of Inglewood became collateral damage being the center where his rivals call home. One of the main ones were the Inglewood Family Gangster Blood gang aka IFGB. Drakeo The Ruler, was known to show no fear, and in his pursuit to disrespect his long standing rivals he crossed the line. That would be his undoing, or so it seemed at first.

Drakeo The Ruler continued with the growth of his music career while at the same time dousing his feuds with gasoline, always taunting and sending threats to his rivals https://youtu.be/jeIlof5qDkQ (0:40-0:59) Drakeo was playing a dangerous game, and wasnโ€™t hesitant to speak about killing anyone who is a member of or affiliated with the Inglewood Family Gangster Bloods https://www.reddit.com/r/CaliBanging/comments/lm5f0j/drake_said_it_dont_matter_where_you_from_if_you/ 

This included a fellow LA rapper that would become speculated of being the one who orchestrated the incident that took Drakeoโ€™s life. The rapperโ€™s name is YG and heโ€™s known to have ties to the Inglewood Family Gangster Bloods. Drakeo and YG have been locked in a back and forth online addressing their distaste for each other publicly. Drakeo would make several posts calling out the rapper being envious and not supporting him being right from his city, but supporting others outside of where theyโ€™re from

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YG would seemingly respond via an interview on the urban podcast, No Jumper, stating that heโ€™s not about rap beef, but will instead assemble his gang to do damage and come get you, in other words, take a life https://youtu.be/B7o4nrDsJdY (0:24-0:32) https://youtu.be/B7o4nrDsJdY (2:42-2:55)

Drakeo The Ruler was making enemies, and oneโ€™s that took his actions and words personally. In Fact, the response to his song and antics, was one of anger and lack of amusement by the city of Inglewood https://youtu.be/eLC30f3Jhp4 (4:29-4:42) That confident bravado and untouchable energy became his downfall. Approximately 3 months after his diss track, Drakeo The Rulerโ€™s life would draw its last breaths. December 18th 2021, Drakeo The Ruler got up with a sense of fulfillment. His career was entering new chapters and on the coming night, it would write his name into another milestone, performing at the Once Upon a Time in L.A. concert at Banc of California Stadium. He was arded to perform were big names like the host, Snoop Dogg, 50 Cent, Three Six Mafia, and YG among other major label artists.


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The hours quickly ticked by, Drakeo The Ruler was ready for the night soon approaching. The sun set and the moon shone down on a venue that showed a turnout of patrons flooding the area ready to see their favorite artists

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Draeko the Rulerโ€™s affiliates, known as the Stinc Team was all together getting ready to head out and have a good time showing support for Drakeo https://youtu.be/HaxfZd9MbL0 (0:00-0:13) Between 7pm and 8pm, Drakeo was on his way to the venue. With him was his brother Ralfy The Plug

Ralfy The Plug - My Mixtapez
Ralfy The Plug music, videos, stats, and photos | Last.fm

and members of the Stinc Team

No Justice, No Peace: The Stinc Team Releases 'Free The Stinc Team โ€“ Not  Gulity!!!' | Passion of the Weiss

The plan was to go to the festival, collect the money, perform and give the crowd and amazing show, then be out to enjoy the remainder of the night https://youtu.be/6WSvmE-6mhE (2:10-2:23) As soon as they arrived at the venue, it was apparent that wasnโ€™t how the night was about to turn out. At 8:30pm, Drakeo The Ruler and his entourage arrived, that was when things went south, and very quickly at that. It took two minutes for an all out brawl to occur between Drakeo and his team and rivals that were set and waiting https://youtu.be/6WSvmE-6mhE (2:30-2:40) Within that window, an affiliate within the vehicle describes how the last moments leading up to what took Drakeoโ€™s life occurred.

Upon entering the parking lot area, it appears that a security guard gave a signal to others around, then what transpired was what he described as a gang of assailants eyeing into their vehicle with intent to do harm. Put more detailed, in that moment, surrounded by more rivals than they could handle, it felt like being on the yard of a maximum security section in a prison 

Suddenly, what appeared to be a fun night to perform and secure another financial win, turned into a flight or fight moment for Drakeo The Ruler. His decision, as described by his affiliate in the vehicle decided his fate that night. Within those 2 minutes, Drakeo had a choice to make, either get out of the vehicle and face what awaits him with the mob, or retreat and be labeled a coward who doesnโ€™t uphold the life he often promotes โ€“ the gang life.

Drakeo The Ruler is prideful of who he claims to be, and that became his downfall. His affiliate recalled the entourage awaiting his response, and the alleged answer drew inspiration from his song โ€œGorillas N Nunsโ€ off his โ€œSo Cold I Do Em 2โ€ project, โ€œRoll the window up, if itโ€™s smoke, we want all of itโ€ https://youtu.be/24ymGjBsLnY (2:09-2:20)

Drakeo the Ruler - So Cold I Do Em 2 Lyrics and Tracklist | Genius

The situation from their point of view looked like a trap that was set up, and the one they pointed the finger at was the rapper YG


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It happened almost instantly. Drakeo The Ruler and his Stinc Team was outnumbered by their rivals of 70-100 strong, and slowly losing the fight. His team was being pushed back as punches sent one of his affiliates flying to floor https://www.reddit.com/r/CaliBanging/comments/zocl8d/its_almost_a_year_ago_that_we_lost_drakeo_the/ (0:00-0:06) Drakeo The Ruler however, like the true leader he is, stood at the forefront of the attack as they were swarmed more and more. Thatโ€™s when the critical blow appeared to be struck. Camera footage shows one of the opposing members throw what looks like a jab at Drakeo The Ruler, but instead of blocking, he throws his hands up and pulls back as if dodging was the only option

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The rivalโ€™s hand is plunged to Drakeoโ€™s neck, stabbing him with a sharp object that was in his hand https://www.reddit.com/r/CaliBanging/comments/zocl8d/its_almost_a_year_ago_that_we_lost_drakeo_the/ (0:06-0:10) 

Still Drakeo doesnโ€™t go down. He instead begins to step back while holding strong. His team retreats exiting through the backstage gate, unfortunately leaving a wounded Drakeo to be captured by the dozens of rivals plotting on his life. You can hear what sounds like โ€œhe has a knifeโ€ while they retreated from the mob https://www.reddit.com/r/CaliBanging/comments/zocl8d/its_almost_a_year_ago_that_we_lost_drakeo_the/ (0:11-0:18) His brother, Ralfy The Plug realizes his brother is not with them and returns into the melee to have his brotherโ€™s back https://www.reddit.com/r/CaliBanging/comments/zocl8d/its_almost_a_year_ago_that_we_lost_drakeo_the/ (0:18-0:21) 

Meanwhile, rivals storm the gate and were able to get a hold of one more Stinc Team member, pulling him in, dragging the clothes from his back and swarming around him with a beating https://www.reddit.com/r/CaliBanging/comments/zocl8d/its_almost_a_year_ago_that_we_lost_drakeo_the/ (0:22-0:36)

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It was only after everything happened, did his crew realize Drakeo was bleeding from the neck. Apparently Drakeo kept it concealed until the fight was over and the ambulance arrived https://youtu.be/m8de721qIew (2:51-2:59) Seems he was focused on his team and not himself, but did his team have his back as much as he had theirs? That would be a question Drakeo would never get the answer to as he began losing consciousness with his condition declining quickly. Footage would surface of paramedics surrounding what appears an unconscious Drakeo as blood leaks from his neck smudging his face, trying to give him CPR to bring him back to life. The video is graphic, so be wary if youโ€™re unable to stomach clips of this nature https://youtu.be/R3QTjooMAe0 (0:00-0:45)

The festival turned into a mass panic with patrons scattered, needing police on the scene to contain the area and stop any further violence https://youtu.be/DqAwQ6iG5fQ (0:44-0:52)

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The concert was shut down just after 10 pm with detectives on the scene conducting investigations


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Police outside the backstage area at the Banc of California Stadium
Rapper Drakeo the Ruler dead after LA concert stabbing: report



The news reports soon began flooding the media, informing the world of the tragedy that struck, stating one person was taken to the hospital in critical condition, later confirming it to be Drakeo The Ruler 

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And then the news was confirmed, that Drakeo The Ruler succumbed to his injuries shortly after midnight December 19th despite the paramedics and doctors best efforts https://youtu.be/-c6dkfRgNW8 (1:00-1:18) 


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Artists like the concert organizer, Snoop Dogg, and others like Drake paid their respects online


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Investigators began working the case, but, information already began circulating of who may have been responsible. Drakeoโ€™s affiliate K7 The Finesser 

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said it was all a set up by Drakeoโ€™s rival, YG because he was jealous of Drakeo taking his spot in the limelight https://youtu.be/JJ5DJm1RAWE (1:27-1:48)

YG To Be Blame For Drakeo The Ruler's Fatal Stabbing, Says K7 The Finesser  - Urban Islandz

K7 The Finesser went on to give more details stating that everything was cool at the concert until YG and his affiliates came https://youtu.be/JJ5DJm1RAWE (2:23-2:46) He also insinuated that the security personnel was also in on the set up, as they limited the amount of persons that Drakeoโ€™s team could have but allowed YG to enter with upwards to 100 affiliates and then snuck weapons in arming them as well https://youtu.be/JJ5DJm1RAWE (0:30-0:50) K7 The Finesser made it known that YG was banned from performing in LA due to his alleged underhanded assassination on Drakeo The Ruler https://youtu.be/JJ5DJm1RAWE (0:58-1:16)

The allegations were huge, and while some questioned the authenticity of his claims, others were quick to point out supporting details to what K7 said which were noticed within the video of the fight that resulted in Drakeo being stabbed. YG launched a clothing brand and Record label named โ€œ4hunnidโ€ where he incorporated the style of the gangster life he grew up in https://youtu.be/Zh2egg5_GJ8 (2:26-3:05)

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This same brand was seen worn by an affiliate around the scuffle, seemingly confirming YGโ€™s entourage was involved in the altercation https://youtu.be/Z68fwKtlS3A (0:00-0:05)

Later in the fight, if you listen closely, you can hear Stinc Team members shouting โ€œF 400! F 400!โ€ https://www.reddit.com/r/CaliBanging/comments/zocl8d/its_almost_a_year_ago_that_we_lost_drakeo_the/ (0:08-0:10) In addition to this, the affiliate from earlier who detailed what happened also allegedly stated that the assailants emerged mostly in red, with ski-masks, shouting โ€œWhoopโ€ and โ€œSuu Whoopโ€ a term associated with blood gangs and often the lingo used by YG who is a devoted blood member https://youtu.be/6d8_wK1WX78 (1:13-2:40)

He would embrace the mantra so much, he released a song by the same title expressing his gang lifestyle https://youtu.be/5aMZuwSS2VU (0:23-1:04)

Suddenly, K7 The Finesserโ€™s details on what happened started to gain credibility.

To date, the case is yet to be officially solved, but expanding into lawsuits by Drakeoโ€™s family against Live Nation and several festival promoters for lack of adequate security resulting in his wrongful death https://youtu.be/7FazfIzp0eE (0:00-0:31) https://youtu.be/5w4qxDndlew (1:20-2:27) https://youtu.be/OrfjvFQdM7s (6:37-8:04)

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Drakeo was on the way to the top. He was acquitted of first-degree murder, 5 attempted murders, conspiracy to murder and 2 gun charges in 2019 and released in 2020 https://youtu.be/NRlO_U3deJ8 (0:39-0:53) 


He beat life in prison and came out gaining a feature from one of hip-hopโ€™s largest artist, Drake https://youtu.be/-9ohCjBrjBg All thatโ€™s left, are the memories while he was here, and the catalog that shows the talent which was ended far too soon


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His legacy will live on, but itโ€™s his loved ones and team whoโ€™s left with the pain and guilt of not being able to save his life as he stood in the front of battle protecting everyone


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RIP Drakeo The Ruler https://youtu.be/DqAwQ6iG5fQ (1:30-1:49)

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