Exclusive interview with Jake Radio owner Jake Hindus

Today we had an exclusive chance to interview Jake Radio owner and founder:

What is your legal name and where are you from?
Jake Hindus. I grew up in Massachusetts.

Where are you now?
San Francisco, California

How do you currently feel about the state of Hip-hop in general?
Hip Hop is changing at a rapid pace and continues to evolve around the clock. The changes are gradual, so I’d have to say consistency is the major catalyst. Before you know it you’ve got a new sound, new flows, and new top artists. An artist needs to stay relevant or else they’re going to get left behind. I don’t write the rules, it is what it is.

Your radio station is blowing up with hundreds of song submissions, What’s your next power move going to be?
I won’t give out the blueprints. I move in silence.

What’s your best advice for handling criticism?
It’s important to get constructive criticism from as many people as you can. Listen up and take notes. On the flip side, you’ll eventually get criticism from haters. Don’t engage them. If you don’t have thick skin, you’re not going to make it in this industry. My best advice is to turn your feelings off and turn your hustle up.

If you had any other advice for artists, what would it be?
Ego is the number one career killer. I see it happen all the time. When you start acting like you’re untouchable, You’re gonna start f*cking things up. Stay humble.

What’s your least favorite thing about the industry?
Instagram. I’m here to grow the brand and spread positivity, but it gets exhausting after a while.

How would an artist go about getting their music played on Jake Radio?
It’s easy, go to the homepage and hit “submit music”. I play all songs on the same day of submission. You can submit your music today at Jakeradiolive.com.

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