Fast-Rising Artist Adan G Is Turning Heads

Adan G understands that knowing yourself is half the battle when creating great art. Oftentimes, musicians get lost in trying to keep up with their peers and forget how to create from their own hearts. That ability has not been lost on rising musician Adan G whose music is shockingly true to himself and carries no DNA from other artists.

Adan G’s sense of self can sometimes come off as self-deprecating. On “Bailando Contigo” he sings of doubt and romance as two simultaneously existing concepts. It’s this honesty, however, that the magic of his music lives in; there’s nothing that Adan G holds back from his fans. From his family and home life to his upbringing Adan G bears all, for better or for worse. 

His music is unique in every way that gives himself and his listeners a powerful experience when listening. Music has been a safe space for him his entire life as his upbringing was engulfed in setbacks and troubles. He grew up with music most of his childhood and financial difficulties along the way. He never let these obstacles overtake his life and he continued to persevere to reach his goals. The emotions he has felt throughout his childhood up until now have helped him become more in touch with who he is as a person and be able to express those emotions through his own music. He is an independent artist and works with notable producers in the game. 

Listening to artists who have a strong sense of self has been known to help fans through tough times. We hope that’s true for anyone who peeps Adan G’s music.

Follow him on Instagram below.


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